Question about valves running hours

I'm new to the tubes world and when I bought my amplifier the seller told me not to run it for more than 8 hours, letting it for rest a couple hours before the next listening session. I wasn't told why, but now I got curious and I want to know more about it. 
What's the reason for this limitation? What can we damage and why?

Showing 2 responses by xonex77

The heat is develop when the power tube plate dissipates,the more watts the more heat and the more heat the  shorter the tube life.A well designed amp should have about 60-70% of total plate dissipation
Migueca,If the input voltage is not the  same as in the US,It affect the filament voltage and it's not 6.3 volts anymore and that's why tubes have shorter life if they are not rated.