Question About DACs

My CDP runs an internal Burr-Brown 24-bit DAC, and a Crystal Semiconductor CS8420 sample-rate converter chip that upsamples the CD data to 96kHz. It’s an older CDP obviously, but are the newer external multibit DACs, such as the Schiit Gumby and Bitfrost, far superior to what I have now? Or, would any improvement be a slight one? Thanks.


Showing 1 response by engineears

I have a Soekris dac1541 R-2r ladder DAC with internal differential signal paths. The output stage is fully balanced and is a zero feedback design. Its reproduction of redbook audio and high resolution PCM is fantastic.

While I have minimal experience with DSD and have no interest in MQA, I also have an extensive vinyl collection and a respectable turntable with an Ortofon 2M-Black. Point being, I know how to hear AND listen and I’m actually satisfied, SATISFIED! with what I get out of this DAC.

Having said that, I’m a big proponent of balanced differential signal transmission and processing from end to end in an audio system so I’ve also never bothered to hook it up to anything single endedNd cannot speak to its performance there.

Remember kids, when you’re listening to a signal that originated in an R-2r resistor ladder or a delta sigma chip, you’re also hearing the DAC’s output stage and all the other design decisions that come after whatever chip or D-to-A scheme you’re using. This is ehy no one should ever comment on a DAC (or any piece of gear) they haven’t actually listened to. Nor should you buy a piece of gear without demoing it or the right to return if unsatisfied!