Question about Cary Audio SLP-05 Preamp

Hi, I’ve been researching for a tube preamp, and have taken a liking to the Cary Audio SLP-05. Most comments I found on this forum are very positive.

I do have a question for SLP-05 owners here. It is the Cinema bypass feature of the unit. The user manual mentions that when the unit is powered off, it defaults to the Cinema bypass mode. That sounds like a great feature. I assume this prevents unnecessary wear and tear on the tubes. Can anyone confirm if this is the case?

If it is indeed true that the SLP-05 can be powered off for the Cinema bypass, then my problem becomes what is the best way to turn on my stereo power amp that will be connected to the SLP-05. My current setup is for my preamp to send a 12v trigger to the power amp.  I don't have this problem now because my preamp must be on for the Cinema bypass feature to work.  Also I currently use a logitech remote to power on the whole system.  I want to make it as simple as possibly for my wife when she wants to watch TV.  I really prefer not to manually switch on/off my power amp every time I listen to music or watch movies.  I wonder if any current owner has a solution that you can share.

Thanks very much.


If it is indeed true that the SLP-05 can be powered off for the Cinema bypass, then my problem becomes what is the best way to turn on my stereo power amp that will be connected to the SLP-05.

If the power amp equipped with audio signal sensing turn on, use it.

Or custom make a Y cable with diodes to provide 12V trigger from either SLP-05 or HT pre/pro.


Hi @imhififan, do you know if the Y cable that you mentioned available for sale anywhere?  I was looking for such a solution.  BTW.  my power amp does have a audio sensor to power on/off, but it doesn't work that well, especially when I listen to music at low volume.  It powers off when the volume gets too low.

@cinqcepages, here’s what I ended up doing. I purchased a trigger module from emotiva. Since this doesn’t have a infrared sensor to power on/off. I purchased an IR controllable AC Socket and plug the emotive module to it. I can now use my universal remote control to turn on my power amp. Hope this helps.
