Question about Audio Note E SPe HE


I was about to purchase a pair of AN-E SPE HE . I just found out that Audio Note also makes a signature version for the HE model with external crossover. I would like to understand if the signature version is a significant upgrade over the base model? Is it worth pursuing? What are the advantages of external crossover?
I understand only my ears can tell but I can’t find a pair to listen to unfortunately.
Please share your thoughts and impressions. Thank you for your time.

According AN website:

"AN-E/SPe HE: AN-SPe17 or on later models AN-SPe19 silver internal cabling, silver voice coils.

(Description available only for non-HE)
AN-E/SPe Signature: AN-SPe17 or on later models AN-E/SPe19 silver cable connecting to external crossover with Audio Note™ copper foil signal capacitors, silver voice coils."

Hi Jond, 

I actually auditioned the top of the line AN-E Spx Signature. The dealer didn't have the base AN-E SPe HE model. Yes, the Sig. HE costs twice as much as the SPe/HE. AN website also shows a AN-E LX signature model. Wondering what the difference is between LX & SPe.
writeface according to my dealer Vu he finds the Spe bright and prefers the LX. He says you need to go up to the Spx to avoid the brightness. Again that's just his opinion but I trust his ears implicitly.
Good luck and please keep us posted I think you'll end up very happy regardless of which model you choose!