Question about Accuphase A60 amp


I'm interested in buying the Accuphase A60 amp. My only concern is about its (relatively) low max power.
I would like to ask all the A60 owners here what is the max power that they have reached in listening use with this amplifier (and with what kind of speakers) ?
The max value that was displayed by the power meter in front of the amp.
Thanks for all answers.
the A60 is a very good option for me, I agree with you.
My only concern with this amp, is that Accuphase had recently upgraded some of their amps like the P7100, with a new input stage topology, called MCS+.
Though the real audio advantage is tough to quantify, I prefer to buy the new A60 version, as it should be available soon (I hope so).
The waiting time should be less than a year, probably 6 months or so.
Hello Nico
In the past accuphase upgraded their flagship products every 5 years. So the new Accuphase A class may available within 1-2 years.
OK. for all hi-end world, new version usually better than the older model, but it's not for all products.
IMO only minor change occur in the most of new versions of accuphase flagship models (preamp or power amps). Most of major change is cd players and DAT.
Nico don't forget to listen the new accuphase dp 800/801 combo (Transport and DAT). Because most famous from accuphase company (in my country) is cd player.
As soon as you have accuphase machine. You'll find some thing spacial with your music as me. Good luck.

Pongpan (bomberman)
Who said this amplifier has weak bass? It has heavier bass than a 400w Mark Levinson 432 and the Pass Labs X600.5 that I also own. You need to pair it with the right preamp. I pair it with a C280 class A accuphase preamp. The bass will shatter your windows. I only have mine volume up ar 20% and the bass is already shaking my wall. This piece of gold will stay with me forever.
I have the A65 and a Audio Research Ref 3 preamp and have had the display reading 268 watts through my Dynaudio speakers and sounding very impressive , I agree the bass is very very good.

Someday hope to get another A65 and run mono or bridged which ever sounds the best.