Question about a speakers sensitivity on its sound

I read that higher efficiency speakers eg. 93db tend to sound much quicker and more dynamic than low efficiency speakers is it true?
also read that lower efficiency speakers tend to sound slow but have more 'weight' and fullness to the sound....

Is this true I thought the only difference was output efficiency ... the reason I ask is I was thinking of upgrading my speakers (87 db) to something more efficient..

Showing 1 response by gregm

You mention speed: speakers' efficiency does not necessarily mean speed.
As to db, +6db in sound level is perceived twice as intense (all other things being equal)... 1db being the level of perception (or perceptible change in intensity) of a "normal" ear.

I suggest you favour speakers whose sound you like -- true, the more efficient they are, the less horse-power you'll need to drive them (which doesn't, unfortunately, make quality amps very much cheaper).
