Quest for an external Dac has resulted in me way down the rabbit hole

Hi audio wizards!  I’ve read several articles and reviews about the benefits of a good quality external DAC, and the potential for “real” improvements in musical quality in a current system. I do believe my system might be in line .  I currently have a Rotel 955 CD player I like, a nodeii and a Creek evo 100 integrated amp.  The Ohm 1000 speakers sound a little lean in the top end although I do like them overall.  At this point I’ve been looking for a Dac that would bring a little more “spring and liven up my system”.  However, the more I research, the more confused I get.  I’ve been to a couple higher end stereo stores and I seem to just get the “party line”.  I live in Denver Colorado, and although I like the PS Audio line I can’t afford them.  If any one has any advice for me on a good quality external     
Dac model for under $1000 (new or used) I could sure use the help! Thank you



Showing 1 response by mbmi

I own the Bifrost II from Schiit and the Denafrips Ares 2....The Denafrips in a fuller sound,,,,more meaty and well rounded. You can listen for hours and never get fatigued....The Bifrost is more detailed....deep soundstage....more exciting ...more crystal clear but not bright. They are different but both Awsome and highly rec'd. I've tried Topping and SMSL....not even close...They are both R2R Dacs...much better than chip dacs......good luck to you.