Quantum Science Audio Thread

This is a thread for those who wish to discuss Quantum Science Audio products of all types.

Showing 5 responses by macdude

I have owned the QSA blue, yellow, and red.

Beeswax Ultimate SHD and Ultimate Premier SHD.

The problem with aftermarket fuses is that they first sound spectacular, but then over time, they get tiresome as you realize they're too bright or colored.

Another issue is they can sound lean, or hollow. Beeswax does not have this problem.

I know audiophiles who have gone back to stock fuses because of these issues.

I've gone back to a stock fuse at the moment. I'm going to try the SR Purple and if it has the same issues, I'll stick with stock fuses.

@willgolf I returned the SR Purple and I’m going back to stock or Beeswax.

I found the SR Purple to have sound characteristics similar to the QSA fuses, since they both use graphene.

But I found the stock and top of the line Beeswax to have more clarity.

And Beeswax is the only after market fuse I found to have depth and dimension.

@willgolf Yes the Beeswax fuse is directional. There is no labeling for direction, but the wrong direction will sound a bit muffled.

@grannyring Yes, I did let the Purple fuse burn in. I've been happily running Beeswax fuse for a while now. I tried the stock fuse again and it was big step down from Beeswax.

@grannyring I have the Ultimate Premier. It was the only fuse I tried that didn’t sound hollow. It has a depth, or roundness to it.