Quality system, make poor recordings sound better?

I notice that as I move up the audio chain, poor CD recordings sound worse and the good ones sound superb, should this be the case? Also I on any given day my system sounds different even with the same CDs. Any thoughts on this as well?

Showing 4 responses by phd

Thankyou all for the great indepth answers. A few days ago my
daughters boyfriend brought over his IPod and connected it to
my main system. He was thoughtful enough to have downloaded
some of the music I like, new and older recordings. I thought
all the music played sounded spectacular. There wasn't that
big of gap in sound quality between older and newer recordings
that I experienced with CDs. Go figure. I think maybe I should
get an Ipod as a source for music.
Based on some of the above answers I have concluded that some people don't know when to leave well enough alone, I am such a person. I have tweaked my system to be more revealing and extended. Using high resolution silver interconnects connected to high definition gear, add a few aftermarket power cords coupled with horn loaded speakers and I think one has got a recipe for disaster at least when it comes to poor recordings. Even the concert-hall pianist that lived with me for a short period of time pointed out it all sounded very good but there was too much high frequency information coming through for her liking and suggested I turn the treble down. I told her I don't have tone controls but I have made a few changes since then to warm the system up.

Sometime back I do know that it was recommended from a audiophile buddy that I try Krell. I called Krell and they said we love to sell you a Krell amp but with your speakers it would be the kiss of death. So as Maplegrovemusic mentioned it is all about well thought out tweaks that will enhance your current system and make it more listenable at least with poor recordings.
Mapman, I think you brought a very good point in regards to clipping and its true certain kinds of music begs to be played louder. I think we have all pushed are systems on occasions just to see its capabilities because certain recordings can be more demanding on a power amp than others. Generally I can hear when an amp approaches its limits but I think some amps if their not of good quality (as you mentioned) seem to lose their composure as the volume is cranked up. I do have very efficient speakers so not too much demand is placed to reach a desired volume level.