Quality system, make poor recordings sound better?

I notice that as I move up the audio chain, poor CD recordings sound worse and the good ones sound superb, should this be the case? Also I on any given day my system sounds different even with the same CDs. Any thoughts on this as well?

Showing 3 responses by knghifi

My experience mirrors OP, Almarg ... In a high resolution system, one can hear the flaws in poor recordings. For me, the most obvious is compression, brightness and thinness.

11-06-14: Maplegrovemusic
can someone who feels as the op provide us with a recording you think is poor . i would like to play it through my system
Most Bruce Springsteen, Heart (Heart, Bad Animals ...), Liz Phair, Garbage V2.0 ...
11-07-14: Rodman99999
The Dreamboat Annie masters were excellent. Nautilus did what I think was the best pressing of that album. Still my go-to for demoing Rock bass resolution(the synth & drum/Fender bass doubling on Magic Man)
How about the CD? I'll pick one up if also excellent.
11-07-14: Whart
Knight- Dreamboat Annie on Mushroom records, which I think is a KenDun master is actually a great sounding record.
I have most Heart but no Dreamboat Annie :-) There are hi-res releases now so quality has improved?? Concerts in Blu_Ray is very good.