Quality Monitors?

Hi There:i'm looking to upgrade my speakers(paradigm ref v 40's-2),will appreciate opinions on monitors that will offer better performance retaining a strong bottom end performance while bettering the paradigms in every other category,price range will be at $1,500 used,here is my system:
classe transport.
resolution audio chronos jitter attenuator which also splits the digital signal into two resaudio quantum dacs in balance mode(digital heaven).
simaudio moon I-5 integrated.
cables are mapleshade omega mikro dig.,and synergistic ic's
dh-labs q-10 biwire speaker cable,thanks in advance,AL

Showing 1 response by outlier

I had great results with my B&W Nautilus 805s. I upgraded to Audio Physic Virgo - the bass and soundstage is better, but on vocals, the 805s were better. Also, the Nautilus range keeps its value well and is super easy to sell if you want to upgrade later.