Quality differences between NAGRA PLP and PLL

I want to ask please if you have any experience with comparing the 2 preamplifiers above, are they in the same level when the source is only cd playr.

I would love to revive this thread since I'm currently considering both pre-amps (and have both available to purchase).  I personally like the idea that the PL-P has built in Phono preamp that apparently inspired the Nagra VPS, so it can't be bad.  But I'd love to hear owner / user impressions of the two pres.  I'll be pairing them with the Nagra VPA 845 tube amps as well as the McIntosh MC2600 (solid state) amp.

They sounded different to me with CD as a source--the PL-P sounded better. There are more tubes in the PL-P, plus PL-P uses battery power. Interestingly PL-P has higher distortion than PL-L per Nagra's literature. Anyway I liked the PL-P.