Quality CD Player with Tact RCS

I am sure that this question has been posed before, but I have been unable to locate an answer...

I currently have a Meridian 508.24, which I have found to be one of the better redbook CD players I have heard. I am planning to purchase a Tact RCS unit in the near future. I do not currently intend to purchase an external DAC, as I am happy with the 508 as a CD player.

1) In that the Tact will be doing DA conversion before sending the signal happily on to my amps, is it worth it to use such a high quality CD player, or would I be better off selling it and buying a cheaper transport and a Monarchy DIP? Or just using the 508 as a transport?

2) Or how about this: since the fully-loaded Tact converts from A-to-D then back from D-to-A, does the quality of the CD player matter, at all?

I'm probably too late, but how about avoiding DACs all together and keeping the TACT in the digital domain? If your CD player has a digital out, and either your CD player or DAC has a digital in, then you can avoid conversions, and go with the DAC-less version of the TACT. Saves you some $, too.
Route 1 is recommended and the Meridian is a good match. The DACs on the latest RCS will be a worthwhile trade-off for the room correction. Avoid the unnecessary A/D of Route 2.