Quads 57 -

Ok. So let me start out by saying I am not in search for the worlds best speakers or the perfect setup.

I just want something that will make music to my ears and make my little toes tap with joys.My amp of choice is the Ayon Spirit III
My music is 80% Jazz, 10% Female vocals, 10% rock et. al. (paul simon/arlo guthrie, dylan eagles). My source is mostly Vinyl.
I currently have a B&W CM7 that I don't like much. Music sounds good, but no soul. Room size is 10 ft x 11 ft.
I top out at $4K on budget (and that's pushing it).
I am fairly close to pulling the trigger on a brand new refurbished 57 from Quads Unlimited.
So I guess what I am asking here is, if you have ever owned a 57, do you still have it? If not, how soon did you move on & why?

Showing 2 responses by ct0517

I just picked up Wayne PK rebuilt quad 57's. Have been listening for only a couple of days. The panels were sent to him to rebuild by the previous owner. They do not have the protection circuits.
I also own Acoustat Spectra 33's and Model 3's as well as other cone speakers.
I am impressed so far. I admit I am very timid about over driving them though from what I have heard. As Wayne told me - when it happens it is without warning - and once done it will happen again more easily.
The highs sound fine to me and I am getting 40 HZ - they are 5 feet from the front wall and about 7 feet from me.
Lacee - when I brought them home they were bought already.

I have multiple speakers in two locations.

I already look forward to listening to them every week and enjoying their sound.

Even my teenage son picks up on how special they are. I have them in a room with Acoustat Spectra 33's and switch between the two.

On the advice of an audio friend who has multiple 57 pairs I put a 6" piece of 2 x 4 wood under the rear leg and wow -The image rose about 3 feet and the soundstage improved dramatically.