QUAD or Arcam ?

I am looking for a CD & amp to go with QUAD 11L or 12L speakers.

Waiting to demo but any thoughts appreciated on either the QUAD 99 series or Arcam A65+ with Arcam CD73T

Tempted by the QUAD as can get at similar price, but as have not heard any thoughts appreciated at this stage. tend to listen to a mix of pop, rock and classical

Showing 1 response by reubent

I've owned the following CD players over the last few years:

Arcam Alpha 9

Theta Miles (balanced version)(built-in volume control)

Cary CD-308 (built-in volume control

Resolution Audio Opus 21 (built-in volume control

Granite Audio CD-650

Musical Fidelity CD/Pre-24 (pre-amp,transport,DAC and Digital swithcer in one box)

Quad 99 CD-P (built-in volume control and digital inputs)

As you can see, most had a built-in volume control or a pre-amp included because I have a single source system. If you only have CD as a source, I highly recommend using a player with built-in volume control or pre-amp because you can get rid of an expensive pre-amp. If you have additional digital sources, the Resolution Audio is KILLER and the Quad 99 CD-P is really good for the price. The MF CD/pre-24 is great if you want to simplify your system and have additional digital or analog components that you want to control/switch.

All of the above players are very good, and some are tremendous values at their used prices. However, at MSRP list price, I think the Resolution Audio Opus 21 ($3500) and the Quad 99 CD-P ($1499) are the best bargains.