QUAD or Arcam ?

I am looking for a CD & amp to go with QUAD 11L or 12L speakers.

Waiting to demo but any thoughts appreciated on either the QUAD 99 series or Arcam A65+ with Arcam CD73T

Tempted by the QUAD as can get at similar price, but as have not heard any thoughts appreciated at this stage. tend to listen to a mix of pop, rock and classical

Showing 1 response by hififile

Dear Acarlisle,
I have quad 11L's. The system that drives them is the QUAD CD-P, 99 PREAMP AND 909 POWER AMP. I get amazing sound, especially for the cost compared to many other brands.

The remote functions, system flexibility and build quality are very good. Best of all is the sound. I have heard sound systems that cost more than triple, and do not sound as good.

I hope this helps. QUAD products are superb and worth every penny. Someday I'll get my ESL's too!

Best Regards,