QUAD or Arcam ?

I am looking for a CD & amp to go with QUAD 11L or 12L speakers.

Waiting to demo but any thoughts appreciated on either the QUAD 99 series or Arcam A65+ with Arcam CD73T

Tempted by the QUAD as can get at similar price, but as have not heard any thoughts appreciated at this stage. tend to listen to a mix of pop, rock and classical

Showing 2 responses by acarlisle

Yeh I am looking at CD-P.

I have seen reviews which are excellent for both Arcam and Quad.

Given Quad is a lot more expensive at retail price I presume it is a big step up in performance but not always so - anyone else got a view ??
Thanks for all the great feedback.

This will be my first separates system so not a real audiophile and unlikely to upgrade much in future just want really nice hifi to get the best out of my music for once, and prefer matching amp/cd ideally. Budget is circa $1500 (+stands and cables) so option with QUAD 11L is:

Arcam A65+ with CD73T
Rotel RA-02 and RCD-02
CD-P 99 and 99 power amp (second hand)

Heard NAD and Rotel to date with B&W 603's and Quads; prefer Quads. Both sounded great but erring to Rotel or Arcam as aesthetically better for my wife !!.

Plan to listen more next week but any other thoughts ladies and gentlemen ??