Quad ESL 57 playing Prince

I have a great pair of quads. I always feel that playing really tight bass like a Prince album can't be good for those panels (not too loud!). I just listened to "Sign of the Times" and the speakers played fine. Are my reservations baseless??


Showing 1 response by trelja

I've had the privilege of listening to more speakers than I remember, and owning a lot of them.  The Quad ESL57 remain the BEST loudspeakers I've come across.

Quads play louder than most people claim.  I'm an 95 dB at the listening chair guy, and I've never seen a problem with the Quads making that volume or encountering any issues related to it.  And while they don't put out that last octave, the bass they do produce sounds awfully good.

That said, if you notice any arcing (looks like sparking), ease up on the throttle, and consider installing the well-known protection circuit