Quad ESL 2805 or Avantgarde uno Horn?

I am in the market for a pair of speakers. So far, I have auditioned several speakers and Quad ESL 2805 is on top of list. A pair of used Avantgarde uno is available locally (2 hours driver one way), Since I have not heard any horn speakers before I am posting here hope to get some feedbacks/opinions before I make arrangement for an audition. Many thanks.


Showing 1 response by majicjazz

I agree with tubes108, I have owned quad US monitors for many years and loved them and they are great speakers, But I purchased a pair of Unos for a small room and they take the music to another level, whether I play the musuc low or loud the sound is pure,transparent and dynamic. Depth is every bit as good as my quads, and I can play any kind of music without ever having to worry if the speakers will break up.Of course associated equipment is very inportant as the unos are like large magnifying glasses, but once set up properly in a properly treated room, they will outperform any quad I have heard.The realism is quite fantastic, listening to them from an adjoining room and it sounds like live music is playing.