Quad ESL 2805 or Avantgarde uno Horn?

I am in the market for a pair of speakers. So far, I have auditioned several speakers and Quad ESL 2805 is on top of list. A pair of used Avantgarde uno is available locally (2 hours driver one way), Since I have not heard any horn speakers before I am posting here hope to get some feedbacks/opinions before I make arrangement for an audition. Many thanks.


Showing 1 response by jake18

I need to echo Majicjazz and Tubes 108 in that I have the Uno speakers and the imaging and soundstaging in my 20' x 25" room is fantastic. In fact it is the best I have ever had after close to 40 years playing this game. During that time I have had three pairs of Quads so I know what I am talking about. The Unos do require great electronics in front of them as well as cabling, etc. Everything makes a difference, but if you're willing to work at it the Unos are phenomenal. I have a pair Duntech Princess speakers (similar to the Dunlavy SCIVa) that I also like very well and have owned for twenty years.If you can hear the Unos with the Tom Evans Linear A amp and his pre-amp you will be in audio heaven - dynamics, soundstaging, imaging, harmonics. the ability reproduce "you are there with the music" emotional hit I strive for are there in spades. You can play them at any sound level and still have all these values in place which also is incredibly unique. I also like to listen at realistic sound levels with no distortion and this may be the crowning glory of the Unos. As people who are not audiophiles listen to my system, the words used more often are "pure" "sweet" "real" and "we're right there!" Quads are great, but if you have the room and the electronics you owe to yourself to hear the Unos.