Quad 99 preamp/909 amplifier combo

Have you ever tried this combo or have this in your system? If you have, can you give me some details as to how it sounds? This would be used with PMC OB1i speakers. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by bewi

I have both combined with Dynaudio 1.3SE
For me the sound is great but I must admit that over the years I did not compare very much.
From 1972 untill now I had the 44/405, 44/606 and 99/909 combinations.
Reliability is top and the tone control (hated bij most purists) works great.
Some time ago I switched from the 44/606 to a Lyngdorf TDAI2200 but after one month I made a deal with the seller and traded the Lyngdorf in for the 99/909.
The sound of the Lyngdorf was too cold/analytical and missed the soul I find in Quad gear.