Quad 989s--personal experience and opinions?

I'm seriously considering the 989s for my 2-channel-audio/multichannel-audio/home-theater system (for the fronts only). Currently I'm running 4 Kindel PLS-As, a design from the late '80s that are tall, sensitive (94dB), and definitely full range. They're driven by a c-j Premier Eleven-A (70wpc, tubed). I've owned planar speakers in decades past, both electrostatics and magnetics, and loved the spaciousness and especially depth of sounstage they produce. I've listened briefly to the 989s and will lots more before I commit to them, but I'd love to hear from A'gonists with personal experience with them, both good and bad. Generally, I’m an unabashed Romantic, loving the big-orchestra classical and film music from 19th and later centuries--and Diana Krall and the old Dave Brubeck Quartet, among others, too. My room is c. 21' wide, 19' deep, and 6-1/2 to 12' high, with few parallel surfaces.

I've read many reviews* of them. If I understand what I'm reading, the 989's deviations from perfection probably include: 1. Bass not extending all the way into the bottom of the bottom octave--which, of course, includes merely 99% of the speakers out there; 2. Inability to play as loudly as some want them to, altho a couple reviewers said their ears gave up before the speakers did; 3. Fussiness about setup, which, of course, makes them similar to all bipolar radiators; and 4. Slight beaminess of treble. Its skills are many and I won’t go into my impressions.

So...owners...what do you love and not love about them? Cautions for me?

* the most curious being a comment from a fellow in one of those consumer-review sites who 3 times said they had too much bass!

Showing 1 response by brianhutch

my 989s are in a 31ft x 14ft room the ceiling slopes from 12ft to 8ft,am using vac 70/70,s.I like my music fairly loud at times and am happy.as time and money allows I intend buying an old pair of solid state monobloc power amps classe or muse perhaps preswitching rowlands and building a pair of pass el pipeos to add a touch of low bass heft.I think to integrate a pair of box subwoofers is not impossible but only a few will be fast enough and will be very expensive.I have tried a tannoy supertweeter with good results the bass seemed tighter and there was less hf beam and more bloom, when I can will try a townshend and decide.In my system the tweeter will have priority over woofer,but eventualy intend to have both.So summing up I think the 989,s are standalone top performers in their price range and could easily be the central component in a close to ultimate speaker system.I think your conrad johnson may be marginal but would try before looking at another tube amp that can swing a little more current.