Quad 2805 v. Quad 57

I recently heard, at the San Francisco audio show, the Quad 2805 and I liked them very much.

How do you compare them to the Quad 57? I've read quite a bit comparing the Quad 57 to the Quad 63. Some like the 57 for its more immediacy and midrange and other like the 63 for sacrificing a smidgeon of those traits to obtain more extension of range and the ability to rock. Rebuilt 57's or 63's run quite a bit less dough than the 2805.

If you have heard this line up, I'd love to hear your assessment of the characteristics of the 2805 compared to its older 57 and 63 siblings.

Last, my amps are the Air Tight 211's. I understand they can power the older siblings, but how about the 2805? I understand the impedance load is irregular, but that a good SET does fine with the 57 or 63.

Thanks for the help.

Showing 1 response by msomers88

Be careful, SET w/o feedback will roll off the highs on QUAD's around 10-14kHz -3dB due to the low damping factor and capacitive nature of the speaker.

Also, some solid state amps develop a peak around +3 to +6dB 30-50kHz range.

Having said that I own 57's and enjoy them immensely.