Quad 2805 Toe In Experience?

I am just breaking in my new pair of 2805's. I have never had Quads or any electrostats before...always dynamic driver speakers. While they only have about 20 hours on them, I think they are going to be excellent...everything I hoped for!

They are about 4.5' out from the front wall, about 10' apart (from speaker centers) and about 9' from speaker to listening seat. My listening room is 16' X 13' with a 9' ceiling. The speakers are about 1.5' from each side wall and there is diffusion on the side walls and behind the listening seat.

My question is how much should I toe them in? I am looking for the right balance of image specificity and soundstage width. Right now they are toed in about 1/2 way between firing straight ahead and directly pointing at the listening position.

I plan to do much more experimenting. But before I install the spikes, I would greatly appreciate learning from others experience with Quads.



Showing 2 responses by jopi88

hi dave, what kind of speakers cable are you using? i'm planing to buy the same speakers. thanks