quad 22L vs totem arro

trying to downsize and looking for a small floorstander to accompany a solid state amp. listen to mostly rock and acoustic adult pop with occasional jazz. above 2 speakers came to mind . can anyone recomend one over the other

Showing 1 response by mrisney

I have the Totem Arro's with a Mark Levinson 27. For solid state, they can't take too much, even though they are 4 ohms.

The Levinson 27 puts out 100 watts, and they clip at the halfway mark level 5 :(

Prior to the Levinson, I was driving them with a Cary SLI 50, 35 watt integrated tube amp with Ruby EL-34's .. it was a perfect match. Sadly I have gone to a more powerful Solid State, and no thinking about Thiel's or Martin Logan's. They are beautiful little speakers BTW, and can be bi-amped. Too bad they can't take what the Mark Levinson puts out.