Quad 11L owners only, please list the amplifier...

Quad 11L owners only, please list the amplifier you are using for this pair of speakers.

Thank you

I used an NAD 370 for a while until I bought an Antique Sound Lab AQ1001-DT tube integrated amp. The ASL sounded much better (in my opinion).
I recommend a Roksan Kandy integrated amplifier there used together in brit mag reviews with great success..........
I just bought a pair of Quad 12L's pro version with my Roksan Caspian MKII int.......So i look forward to the combination.......
I have tried quite a few combinations in a good shop, and what really, really stood out in emotional contact with the performance was by far (most good amplifiers all sounded a bit the same, 'perfect' but not involved) the Sugden A21a
Demo'd the 11L the other week (high on my list as a possible purchase) with a Jolida JD-302B (I own a Jolida SJ-502A) and was very impressed with the sound from this speaker/amp combination. Matter of fact, found this topic as I'm looking for some more info on the 11Ls.
Using the Creek Evolution with Quad 11L2 speakers.

I love the combo. I used to have a Yamaha RX 397, and it really didn't have the power to properly drive these speakers, especially at low volume.

The Creek, on the other hand, is friggin awesome!