
Responses from jkarwa

Vienna Acoustics Bach Grand
Finding the right amp for Vienna Acoustics Bach Grands was pretty tough. After spending about 13 months with 3 different amps (CREEK Evo; MATANTZ 2235B; ATOLL IN100 SE), I would have to agree with several people who have responded here; these spea... 
What Printed Magazine do you prefer?
UHF magazine. No question! Its the only magazine that appears to keep a consistent reference system for every component review. All other magazines have different reviewers with different systems, so its not really possible to obtain a true side b... 
Creek Integrateds for Harbeth monitor?
I own a Creek Evo (with Quad 11L2 speakers), and have also heard it paired with the bookshelf Harbeths. MAN! What a combo! Both are amazing components, and they sound fantastic together! I really love my Creek Evo and would recommend it to anyone,... 
Creek 5350se vs. Cambridge Audio 840a V2
I recently compared the Cambridge 840 amp against the Creek Evolution (which is a serious notch down in quality and price compared to the Creek Destiny). I was really not that impressed with the Cambridge. I thought the Creek Evolution sounded not... 
Quad 11L owners only, please list the amplifier...
Using the Creek Evolution with Quad 11L2 speakers.I love the combo. I used to have a Yamaha RX 397, and it really didn't have the power to properly drive these speakers, especially at low volume.The Creek, on the other hand, is friggin awesome! 
What's your profession? Age?
33 yr old patent examiner w/ Canadian gov. 
quad 11L amp
Well, I have the 11L2 Quads and have been dealing with the problem of finding a decent integrated amp to go with them. I'm just starting to build my system, so anything I get will improve upon what I have now, a RX397 Yamaha stereo amp. I've been ...