QSONIX Repair or data Recovery?

I have a QSONIX digital library server which has about 1,000 CDs stored on it. The power supply seems to have failed- so no power on for the unit now. Does anyone know if there is any way to recover the digital files from the unit? My IT computer guys say they are at a loss to recover the data. I know that QSONIX is long ago out of business- but does anyone still do repair work on these units? 

Thanks for your help!


Showing 1 response by jamesgoff

@smoothjazz I am not a expert but i just want to tell you that

If the power supply has failed, it may be difficult to recover the digital files from the QSONIX digital library server. However, there may be some options to recover the data.

One possible option is to contact a data recovery service that specializes in recovering data from digital storage devices. They may have the expertise and tools to recover the data from the server even if the power supply is not working. MI Bridges

Another option is to try to repair the power supply or find a replacement power supply for the QSONIX server. This may be difficult as the company is out of business, but there may be third-party suppliers who have compatible power supplies.

It may also be worth reaching out to online forums or communities that specialize in QSONIX or digital music library servers to see if anyone has had similar issues and has found a solution.

Overall, it may be a challenging task to recover the data from the QSONIX server, but it’s worth exploring different options to try to salvage the digital files.