Qobuz charges

I signed up for a Qobuz free trial...I canceled before the deadline...Then I got a bill for  $160 that must be a year of service that I don't want.  When I contacted their customer service they said they dont give refunds.  I contacted paypal and they refused to correct the mistake.  I am now in the process of contesting the charge with VISA.  The Qobuz website is very confusing and it is impossible to talk to a human being about this problem.  It also took Qobuz almost 3 weeks to even answer my complaint...Has anyone else have this problem.

Showing 1 response by jjss49

quboz, for all its nice sound etc - has had a rich history of billing issues like the one mentioned by op

subscribers need to keep themselves covered by cc company and/or other means when signing up/changing plans etc etc - better be careful than be sorry after the fact