Qln, Joseph Audio, Audiovector, Marten, or Canton...?

I am looking to upgrade my speakers. My amp is an NAD M10 with Dirac Live room correction, so bass response is adjustable to an extent.

For domestic tranquility they must be relatively compact with a wood finish. Floorstanders, not standmount. Budget of up to $15k-ish, but less is better.

My list consists of the following:

  • Qln Prestige 3
  • Joseph Audio Perspective 2
  • Audiovector R3 Arrete
  • Marten Oscar Duo
  • Canton Reference 7K

Any and all impressions of these speakers, particularly any comparisons between them, are very much welcome. Thank you!


Showing 3 responses by arafiq

I have heard QLN Prestige 3 (dealer in Austin) and currently own the Joseph Audio Perspective2 speakers. They are both amazing speakers in their own right. Keep in mind that Prestige 3 is a two-way floor stander, whereas JA P2 is definitely a full range speaker.

Since I heard the Prestige 3 at a dealer, feel free to take my impressions with a grain of salt. I really loved it ... it has a warmer, mid-range focused sound that I absolutely loved. The top end is somewhat subdued but not in a bad way. It is very smooth and refined sounding. And, oh, the bass on the speakers is amazing. If you have a sufficiently powerful amp you won’t need a sub despite the fact that it is a 2 way.

The Joseph Audio Perspective2, on the other hand, I feel has a more modern, clean, and balanced sound. It does not sound overly neutral (if that is a thing) or even remotely shouty by any means. Two outstanding traits: vocals (better than my Harbeth SHL5+ and M30.1), and percussion. Of all the speakers I’ve owned, I have never heard a speaker reproduce the sound of kickdrums, snares, and cymbals more realistically than the Perspective2. The soundstage and imaging is some of the best I’ve heard. They do require some breath room though (mine are almost 4.5 feet from the front wall and 2.5 feet from the side walls), otherwise bass can be a bit unruly.

To be honest, both are great speakers and I could have been happy living with either one. At this price point, you really need to audition before you buy. Good luck!

@thr1961 If you are in that range (~ $25K), I suggest you look out for a used pair of Joseph Audio Pearl. A couple of years ago, a local seller was selling them at an incredible price. He was nice enough to let me audition the speakers in his home for almost two hours. To say that I was blown away would be an understatement. Just wow!!!

Unfortunately, I couldn't get approval from the supreme being at the time and had to back out. The Perspective 2's give you the same sound signature albeit at a smaller scale. But unless your room is very large, I think they can easily fill it up with beautiful music.

Since you already own Harbeth, why not 40.3? That is one speaker I would like to try someday but for now I'm thrilled with my JA Perspective2's. Good luck!

Another speaker line that is expensive but not talked about much (at least at a'gon) iis Borresen Their standmount model called the Borresen 01 retails for over $30K with stands. I don't know who would pay this kind of money for a standmount but I guess there are folks who are buying it. It does look pretty slick with the stands I must admit.