Q. on shootout between time/phase coherent speaker


I have a couple of questions

1. What are folks opinions of strenghts/weakness (characteristics) of the famous time/phase coherent speaker lines out there (Thiel, Vandy, GMA, Meadowlark, etc etc)

2. Esp in the under $2k range.

3. Have folks backed up their impression with any scientific (measurements, and/or double blind).

I have Vandersteen 2Ce's in a HT system with Arcam AVR amplification (choose Vandy's as they have complete system and price wise a good choice)


Showing 1 response by chuck

I echo what Arthur has said. Phase/Time coherent speakers are typically tricky to set up. Minute adjustments can yield dramatic results. It can be maddening, but once dialed in they reproduce a clarity hard to ignore. In addition, P/T speakers are typically hard to drive. Due to their crossover demands P/T speakers typically demand high power amplifiers. Only Very large Tube amps or high powered SS designs will drive these speakers optimally.