PX-25 tube amp with Merlin VSM speakers?

I love my Merlins and am mulling over an amp upgrade. I've heard of people driving Merlins with low powered SET and OTL amps, but, for example, the Art Audio PX-25 amp is only 6 WPC. Is that enough juice?

Thanks for any insights.

Showing 2 responses by darkmoebius

12-22-14: Dazzlingmd
I might be better off looking at a 300B SET amp.

I've owned the Art Audio PX-25, AA Jota, and Welborne
Labs DRD 300B SET monoblocks at the same time. There is no real appreciable difference between the respective 6wpc and 8wpc of the PX-25 and 300B on medium sensitivity 90db/4ohm Jean Marie Reynaud monitor speakers.

Actually, there was no perceivable difference in power on
my much larger and more efficient 95dB/8ohm Cain &
Cain IM-Bens.

Which is better - PX-25 or 300B? Neither, it's just two
different views of the same sunset. Personally, I'd take
the PX-25. It is one of the most spectacular sounding
tube amps I have ever heard. One of the pro reviewers
coined the perfect term "as if notes are lit from
within". But, the 300B monos were just as alluring
in a different way.

I know a lot of reviews, and users, have claimed in the
past the Merlins and SET are a match made in heaven. I
think it's because of Merlin's fairly benign load of 6.5-8.0
ohms, with the two-way crossover zone at ~16 ohms.

I'd give the used PX-25 for sale here a try and see if it
works well in your sized room and musical priorities. If it
works, you will never hear anything like again. It may
need a new set of PX-25's because of low level hum in
one tube, which may not be audible in low/med
sensitivity speakers. That will set you back $400-500

If not, look for a Art Audio Carissa or Jota
It's a minor mod to remove the PX-25 attenuator from the signal path.

But, your best bet is probably going with one of the higher-powered Art Audio SET amps like the Jota(20-30wpc, depending on output tube) or 16wpc Carissa. Even their PP amps like Concerto or Tempo would be glorious