Putting your components inbetween your speakers.

Would like to know if there is any truth about putting your components inbetween your speakers will affect the imaging other than an amp between the speakers on the floor.
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Showing 5 responses by gdhal

I’ll agree with Erik on this one. In fact I sought his advice/opinion on how and what to do to minimize the effect I was/am having with my television. I like his suggestions, however, they may not be entirely practical for everyone, especially if ones decor has to accommodate others who couldn’t care less about quality music reproduction.

In most situations, not having anything between the speakers is ideal from a sound quality perspective.


OP, in your case the equipment between your speakers is minimal and in all likelihood not negatively impacting the sound in a practical sense.
OP, while it seems you are getting basically a universal response that nothing between the speakers is "best", rack and gear placed lower than the tweeter/mid second best and so on, there is one other thing to consider... The *plane* of the items. I recently moved my speakers forward (closer to PLP, further from front wall) of my audio/video rack. So while my television and other gear is still "in between" the speakers, all items collectively are no longer on a straight line of sight (when viewed from the side walls). So you might want to add moving the speakers forward a bit to any experimentation you're conducting.
So now there is NOTHING in the middle of the speakers.

I think what you mean to write is "So now there is NOTHING **directly and at the same plane** in the middle of the speakers. ", correct? :)
I think the easy solution for folks who must have the rack between, is to move the speakers forward, and the rack back. So there is a greater sense of space between the speakers. Also to have the rack as low as possible..

Not all of us have the luxury of a large enough space to accommodate all our needs (audio and video). With the speakers out enough in front of the media rack (with the TV, etc.) improvements can be had. And, it doesn't have to be that much in front of the rack to hear an improvement. Not enough to be on par with nothing in between, but good enough.
