Putting weights on speakers?

IME, putting 20 lb ankle weights on my 150 lb speakers greatly tightened and improved the bass and sound overall. Only problem is that the wife hates it... 

Showing 3 responses by rixthetrick

@maghister -
My wife dont have access to my audio room and dont want to either.... :)
that is brilliant, one day I aspire to have that kind of love..hehehehe
Mike Lenehan of Lenehan Audio developed this same technology maybe 10 years ago and eventually sold it to ETI. Some of you may know who Keith Eichman ETI research?

@mglik I have had them for some years now, and it's well established technology.

Springs under the speakers with "toppers" as Mike calls them makes for good cabinet resonance control and as noted, better bass.


@mglik - I am sorry I can't tell you what is used specifically.
But a tuned mass with vibration isolation as per the ETI AMG topper is better than simply plonking extra mass on the cabinet.

Of course, that is unless you're supremely lucky and you do actually find a weight changing the resonant frequencies to optimal ones (by pure good luck).