Putting listening ability to rest - privately

Hi guys/girls, with so much discussion going on over hundreds of different topics in audiogon, but that mostly boil down to listening ability, I found something a while back I thought would be good to share with you all.

Its a list of six tracks, each featured in three different resolutions - you simply click on the box you believe correlates to the highest resolution of that particular track. It may not be definitive or absolutely conclusive, but it does give a little reality check regarding the state of each our abilities to listen ; )

Best done without any headphones or highly resolving speakers for those who don’t want an ego boost with aural prosthetics, and like their truth served straight up ; ) - best listened to on just your computer built-ins.

Whatever the case, it gives a fairly decent indication if you can trust your ears, begin to rely on them a little more, or just go back to those measurements 🙊 - enjoy!

In friendship - kevin




Showing 1 response by kevn

This was supposed to be private, guys - but since you’ve made your results public, I think it should be said that audiophilia is about the ability to listen through the noise, big or small - nuance isn’t just about the skill to hear differences of quality between excellent recordings, it is also about being able to subtly tell quality between reproductions that are not good. It is about listening for quality differences between good and bad, not merely between a version of your high-end, and what one consider a lesser version of low-end.


Use your headphones if you must, but I f you’re not up for this little test, all well and fine, but please don’t resort to bullying just because an actual test for listening ability will put you on the line. Unless, of course, only your subjective version of listening ability specially applies, and only to you.


In friendship - kevin