You’re probably audio and video in one system, and video is another big source of noise for clean and quiet hifi. Try separating a pathway for stereo music listening only with a good quality, quiet 2ch preamp (tubed if your so inclined) with HT bypass function and a separate stereo amp for front L & R... But the Puritan 156 is fitting into 50k+ systems.
Showing 11 responses by jriggy
Receivers aren’t exactly known for being audiophile level cleanness of signal, no matter what the brand. What’s your amp @merlin66? Your systems components, as good as they are in their lane, just arent inherently clean enough to show the difference, as there are many users with much more $$/cleaner-signaled systems that are very happy with this product.. You’re probably audio and video in one system, and video is another big source of noise for clean and quiet hifi. Try separating a pathway for stereo music listening only with a good quality, quiet 2ch preamp (tubed if your so inclined) with HT bypass function and a separate stereo amp for front L & R... But the Puritan 156 is fitting into 50k+ systems. |
@justjames72 McIntosh separates are certainly considered more ‘hi-fi’ than a HT receiver. And over $10k in separates would generally be though of to out perform a $2k all-in-one, so class and price-point would say yes, but I don’t know. All I know is the 156 is beating out a few of the top $5k+ conditioners for more than a few owners with over $50k systems... Its just not fair to bash a distributor when/if a piece doesn’t work well in your system, when there are to many other variables to consider. |
@phillyb how long did you try the 156(?) and was it with the Puritan power cord? As you are describing exactly what I heard at first also. But after 2 weeks it was apparent that my sound was much more pure. What I came away thinking/realizing is some midrange warmth is actually distortion. Bass and mids are not as rounded and warm but now more true to the real tone of a note (less colored) and I have no loss of harmonic textures, bass weight or emotional/musical aspects. Also made a bigger sonic difference between my DACs and different cables I employ.. Depending on your tastes and depending on your level of gear —which may benefit from a certain level of that warm-haze mask— you may just like that, or more so are used to that type of coloration. My gear seems to be singing more true. Bricasti or Lampizator > Vinnie Rossi L2 preamp > Wells Innamorata Signature > Harbeth 40.2 anniversaries. So no chance here of realizing my gear is lacking in something I thought it had… I also employed another Puritan PC in the system a little later on and it was thin and unnatural sounding at first. Cleared up that time, too. So the PC settling for a time is definitely part of the equation. This power product indeed does show you what you have…and like you’ve said, that might not be a welcome change. It did cause me to upgrade ICs. |
Or it could easily be based on what type of “dirty electricity” someone has. Maybe each unit works stronger with differing harmonic distortion frequencies? One could even clean the electrical harmonics more than someone is used to and that ends up perceiving the sound as ‘not as good’ (not preferred). We’re all dealing with different harmonic profiles and we all have different preferences within these distortions that make up part of the character of our systems sonics. |
@twinski66 if this unit is new —and if the power cord being used (Puritan Ultimate?) is also new— PLEASE give the unit or the pairing at least 10 days of on time before deciding… But I do agree with you, that this device may be system dependent, as it seems to show some tonal weakness in some, to one extent or another ‘lesser’ gear, that people then end up not preferring. Some noise and/or distortions we can be so used to (and perceived as warmth, musicality, etc.) that when they are gone the system is not preferred. I’ve seen the 156, in general, being favored in systems costing more than the ones where the unit is not favored. |
@bluethinker in my system the Ultimate Power Cable was a must. There is a level of noise/grunge that disappears when going from Classic to Ultimate PC. |
The quality of the Mains power cord, wall to filter, is very important and can transform a system. The full and rich tonal changes and realism from going from the Ultimate PC to a ZenWave PCR14 was amazing. Stage size grew bigger, too. But it’s at double the price.. With that said, the Ultimate is a bargain for its performance. |
@mclinnguy ZenWaveDave is a great guy. I also use his PL-11 on amp and source. The bass performance with the PCR14 is something! |
@maxima95 oh sorry, it was indeed the thicker gauge. And it does have the 50 NCF connector. I was off because this one was a little short and a used trade-in from Dave at the time. |
@bluethinker the Ultimate is a killer cable for the price. It’s cleaner and clearer than anything at its price that I’ve heard. But the ZenWave “adds.” It has noticeably better / more realistic tone. And everything a little bigger. Not sure what else I could say other than to point to the fuller, richer and more real tonally. The thicker gauge also adds to bass performance. But it’s also over double the price. |