purist vs. concierto vs. elrod vs dcca power cable

I am trying to upgrade my power cables for my system, which consists of first sound MKII preamp, cary MB500 monoblocks, MBL1531 CD player with shunyata hydra 8 and richard gray 1200s power conditioning. I've heard some very positive things about the cords listed above. I am looking for a little extra warmth with exceptional detail and soundstaging, and a bit more bottom end fullness (but not mushiness)--not audiophile terms, I know, but descriptive, I think. What do you all think?

Showing 1 response by scifi

Hello Tcheathertree,

Sorry to be getting in on this thread rather late, but here are some more thoughts on your post.

I have owned many of the DCCA products and would agree with Tvad that they are transparent in nature with excellent detail and dimensionality across the audio spectrum. Personally, having owned one Purist Dominus fluid filled pc, it was for my tastes too dark in presentation, but as you will read in many posts YMMV depending on what components you are using with any given pc. Let your own ears be the guide here.

I would tend to disagree with Audphile on the following points:

1) The stiffness that he experienced with the "Source" pc was not what I experienced. Perhaps he didn't have the newest version but the Source that I have is stiff in the middle but very flexible on the ends to make placement rather easy IMO.

2) I also found that with the Source pc on my preamp, it provided excellent detail on recordings. I have a pair of Magnepan Tympani 4a's and with the source in the mix the soundstage is wide and deep with all of the detail that I could ever want.

Audphile stated that the sonics did not appeal to him which of course is his prerogative. There is no perfect pc for every situation or every system. The fact that Don at DCCA is willing to "adjust the sonics" of his pc's to fit your musical ear and system IMO speaks volumes about customer service. I would bet money that neither Purist nor Elrod will do the same. He also offers a demo program so what is to lose here if you choose to give them a try.

At any rate, I wish you the best of luck with finding the perfect pc's for your system.

Happy Listening,
