purist vs. concierto vs. elrod vs dcca power cable

I am trying to upgrade my power cables for my system, which consists of first sound MKII preamp, cary MB500 monoblocks, MBL1531 CD player with shunyata hydra 8 and richard gray 1200s power conditioning. I've heard some very positive things about the cords listed above. I am looking for a little extra warmth with exceptional detail and soundstaging, and a bit more bottom end fullness (but not mushiness)--not audiophile terms, I know, but descriptive, I think. What do you all think?

Showing 1 response by rja

Mr. Tennis,
Several questions about the VooDoo PCs. Have you heard the VooDoo Tesla 3? Accoding to their net site VooDoo recommends the Gold Dragon for amps over 200 watts. Are you using it on your front end? Just curious.