Purist, Legenburg or K-S?

My new W/P 8's make my Cardas GR sound somewhat reticent.
I would like something a bit more engaging.
I lean toward uniform cabling througout the system.
I have had favorable but limited experiences with each of these contenders and would appreciate any other considered opinions.
I will pony up the necessary spark, BUT:
I am unwilling to become a dealer to support my habit.

Showing 1 response by rilbr

I really like the Purist Dominus Powercord on tubed equipment. My favorites are the Purist and Virtual Dynamics for tubed equipment, with the Virtual Dynamics having more bass punch, if needed. Both are cleaner and have a more correct tone quality than many others including JPS, Legenburg, Audience, Z-Cable, to name a few.
The Legenburg is very good in A/V systems, including the video screen. Especially good is the Silver wire Legenburg on video screens.
Solid State and Digital is a different animal when it comes to powercords. You might want to try the JPS top of the line, NAT Audio, Elrod, and Alan Maher Designs.
I can't comment on the KS powercords, but their interconnects are very good.