Purist Audio "Purist 20th Anniversary" I/C

Hello my friends!

I have a pair or Purist Audio "Purist 20th Anniversary" balanced interconnect to demo in my system. First impressions are very impressive with a really liquid but tonally balanced midrange and very nice top and bottom end. Although a very expensive cable I think they worth the money.

What is your opinion regarding these cables? Have you compared them to similarly priced products? Your opinion would be highly appreciated!
Please help me decide!



Showing 1 response by bgordon829

Fellows, I am back in the corner---again! The Purist
Audio Anniversary power cords are my fondest wish. But,
now comes PSAudio with their newest configs and I am
wondering if these silver(etc.) cords are the Purists in
disguise? That would save me a bundle. Any comparisons?
Thanks in advance. Bgordon829