Purist Audio Dominus, Worth it?

Hi everyone,
I have owned and liked Purist Audio cables for a number of years, starting years ago and followed and purchased new designs over the years, I am currently at the Proteus Rev B stage. My question is should I take the plunge and go for the Dominus at the insane asking price or is there something out there that may be better overall(yes I know that this is highly subjective). Anyone have any expierience in this area? I'm talking primarily about the interconnect. My system: Atma-Sphere pre and amps, Soundlab speakers. Thanks in advance for any and all responses.

Showing 1 response by jadestick

The Dominus is quite a bit more transparent than the Proteus. It is worth the upgrade if your system is up to it.
I have used both over the years and for me they're still the best out there.