Purifi v Gan amps?

Has anyone had the opportunity to compare Purifi based amps eg MarchP422, Purifi etc with Gan amps such as LSA Voyager or Peachtree Gan 400 or similar?


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Reviving this old thread. I am looking for 3 channels of high quality sound for Home Theater to power Andrew Jones’ forgotten orphan, the Elac Adante bookshelves. ( left, right and dedicated center).

I just ordered 3 mono block GAN amps from classDaudio but have also read some very positive things about the purifi module amps.

I’m not as serious about HT as I am 2 channel, (I have a separate system in the same room that just shares the subs and Niagara power conditioner) but am seeking good sound for a modest sum.

Has anyone heard the the new CLassDaudio monoblocks? I was thinking of running long XLR’s and 2-3 foot speaker cables for each speaker.