Purifi Based Amps - Any Opinions?

Hello all,

I've been trying to gather information and spur conversation regarding these class D amp modules over on the AVS forum as well as the Magnepan user group with virtually no interest. I know they're fairly new to the market so first hand experience is probably slim at this point. I thought I'd reach out here also.

I'm going to be diving back into some Magnepan speakers in the near future and I'm considering an amplifier based on these modules or a Hegel class AB amp. 

The distortion and wattage specs are really really good on the Purifi modules but I have some concern about the output current capability. Maggie's are known to like high current to sound their best and these modules max out at 25 amps per channel. 

Any thoughts and opinions will be appreciated.



Showing 1 response by joemags

That iron grip on the panel is exactly why I'm interested in the Hegel and Purify. 

As far as which maggie I'll end up with is still up in the air. It could be anything from the LRS to the 1.7i. I'll definitely start out without subs and evaluate from there. I owned MC1s and then 1.6s for about eight years. I loved my 1.6s but always felt I left some of their potential on the table due to my electronics. I'm wanting to obtain a great  synergy between head end and the maggies this time around.

I would absolutely love to have that M33 but it's really out of my budget. I'm leaning more towards a Purifi Nord and a streamer/DAC. Maybe $2500 thereabouts for the combo. Then maggie's on top of that.