Pure Silver Wire

If silver is so good to use why do we not see solid silver speaker cables? Price is not that high- 10ga diameter pure silver 6ft is just under $300. That makes a pair of speaker cables about $1,100 for material. I see the price of some of these cables on the market and $1,100 is a fraction of their asking price.




I have three or four pairs of inexpensive pure silver cables. I wouldn't describe any of them as bright or harsh.  But, none of them are as good as my Black Cat Silverstar 88 cables. 


I was suggesting solid core large diameter. Have heard about silver strand speaker wire but it's more like the solid core like you find in house 12/2 electrical wiring style. It's not all that difficult to find someone that draws wire and silver ingot is not that expensive 

I've been building pure silver speaker cables and power cords for years from three-nines soft-annealed round wire or flat wire sourced from Rio Grande.   The key to avoiding stridency is soft-annealing.   A wise manufacturer of 4-nines silver wire once shared with me that 4-nines or higher is largely a marketing gimmick.   

Remember brightness or harshness varies a lot from person to person.  Be tweeters are harsh to some.

One reason this could vary is hearing loss.  As an old guy, my upper frequencies are weak so if something seems harsh to me, all I have to do is take my hearing aids out and voila, no harshness. 

but music sounds much better with my hifi hearing aids in, so I prefer to avoid enhanced upper frequencies and listen with them in.


Good cable design has many different elements as mentioned. Just talking about silver vs copper is part of this picture. I’ve recently been using both Zenwave all silver ICs (latest version of the D4) and power cables. These cables use OCC silver which was designed to minimize grain structure in the cable. In speaking with Dave at Zenwave, he has experimented with many different aspects of the cables to get where they are right now.

He does make OCC silver speaker cables and yes, they are expensive. There are definitely price differences in different levels of “pure” silver or copper.