Pure Note Cerulean

I am trying a pair of xlr interconnects and have found them to be terrific. Bested transparent ultras I was using.
Has anyone tried the speaker cables. How long does Pure Note generally have their new products on sale? Do I need to rush? Thanks

Showing 8 responses by sonic_genius

Interested in your review. They blow away the Epsilons IMO.

Sonic Genius' Reference Stereo System a/o February 2004:

Martin-Logan Prodigy speakers.
Krell FPB400cX power amp. Modified with IEC power inlet.
Krell KCT preamp.
Sony SCD-1 SACD player.

Sutherland PHD phono preamp (battery).
VPI TNT-HR-X turntable, JMW 12.5 tonearm.
Grado Statement phono cartridge.

Pure Note Cerulean Cables interconnects and speaker cables.
I originally used the Siltech VPI-Sutherland connection, now the Cerulean which is very detailed and musical. Epsilon Ref. did not work well here.

The Epsilon Refs V4 were very good cables until I heard the Ceruleans. There is no comparison IMO. The Cereulean sounds like a different cable, like the difference between live and recorderd music. I wish Pure Note had made the Cereuleans first but I guess that is progress.

Pure Note tells me the Cereulean cables were developed in-house and is a complete departure from the Epsilon.
I have not found the AH cooker to speed up time on cables. Some will argue the current is too high for interconnects. I no longer use one. I just listen to my discs and enjoy better sound over time as the cables burn-in.
Pure Note makes a great cable especially for the money. I wonder why Ridge Street is always challenging Pure Note when there are stronger competitors out there. Pure Note is just one of them.
It does not matter what I think. The success of any cable brand depends on what works in your system. In my case the Pure Note products are a good match. You can learn more by doing a search to get opinions but ultimately you must try a few brands to see what works best for you.
Audiofankj: I have NO affiliation with Pure Note. I am a big supporter and have been a beta test customer (invited). To be quite frank, I would never want to be an audio merchant since there is no real money in it. It is far more fun to enjoy the music.
Audiofankj: Tired of you being the "Audiogon police" especially for suggesting that I work for Pure Note. I have forwarded your posts to my attorney for his comments.