Pure Note Cerulean

I am trying a pair of xlr interconnects and have found them to be terrific. Bested transparent ultras I was using.
Has anyone tried the speaker cables. How long does Pure Note generally have their new products on sale? Do I need to rush? Thanks

Showing 4 responses by ridgestreetaudio

LOL! Thanks for the chuckle genius. That was almost so slick that I couldn't pass up a comment!

Actually, I consider the performance of what we're doing more on an even playing field with more significant high performance cabling from other companies but challenging? Chasing!? Who said that!? That's never been my premise. We do what we do and the performance of what we're doing has landed in company with some pretty esteemed names in the cable biz.

Kind Regards,
Hi Hassel.

Boy, where to start. My intent here is to first be of benefit to you. If, at some point you try our cabling as a result of this and the personal email I sent you, then that is better still. If not, not to worry, I'm still confident Ridge Street will stay afloat without your business and in the midst of that, we're still enthusiasts wanting to get the most from our music enjoyment and what each of us might do to help others.

Honestly Hassel, genius said it right when the jist of what he said is you need to go on your own adventure of discovery. The reward will show up in time if it hasn't already. If you play it safe by making a decision based on others experiences, you'll most likely end up with doubt and no firm convictions of your own. Or possibly worse, you'll play the lemming. For one reason or another, this happens way to often in this hobby though it seems too few are willing to recognize or acknowledge it.

I know direct comparisons are out there but perhaps one reason you've not been able to find any ink on that comparison is that those folks are, in part, busy enjoying their music having taken certain risks and then enjoying reward for their effort. I know it's true too that...even with or without AudiogoN, some people have a life! LOL!

Most enthusiasts who understand this hobby realize that, aside from enjoying the music they care about, the play back gear is about a journey with rest stops along the way. Not about a destination where all is finally perfect forever after.

If I could be of any encouragement to you, I would say go on an adventure and have some fun. Discover things (cabling in this instance) for yourself. Take the risks involved and enjoy the rewards as well as the recovering from the possible mistakes that, nevertheless, leave you sure with no doubts and the wiser for yourself. If you don't, then it seems to me all your left with is full of care or, as you say, more careful and suspicious.

Just for a bit of insight, the only reason why the review in our Poiema! ad came to be was because I asked (which I haven't made a habit of) Mnh if he would do that for us. He was the very first (even before it was formally introduced) to purchase the Poiema! cabling and the partnering with his caliber of associated gear was exactly what I had in mind when I designed the Poiema! line. I felt that his relating his experience with these cables would provide others with another valid option in their audition and decision process for cables that they might not otherwise consider. Other than that post, I know Mnh is much to busy with his business and travels to spend his free time posting as much as perhaps some of us might like. Still, he is an active A'gon member from at least February, 2003 to present and his membership seems to primarily serve him and others well in regards to buying and selling. That he took time out to post on our behalf, I am still very grateful for especially since it's not his habit. BTW. it appears he's enjoying the journey and that since November, he's found a rest stop.

Anyway Hassel, I wish you good contentment with whatever it is you settle for.

Best Regards,
Michael, your assumptions are intellectual enough but are wrong. You ain't quit tuned in.

First, I double checked and I'm not Richard. Next, It's finally gotten through my sometimes thick skull. There are certain people who I should know better than to share my findings and opinions with. Can you guess who one person might be? PA's comment was not his to make, was inappropriate and as far as I'm concerned, he has betrayed my trust. That won't happen again. It's not his place to throw my hat into somebody's ring as he did here. I happened to see what he and then genius posted quite by chance. Not by any notification from anyone. I check the Cable forum here regularly enough as it appears you do too.

I'm sorry this is turning into whatever it's turning into with PA being the instigator. Frankly, for anyone perceiving PA as pro Ridge Street, please don't. I don't want the embarrassment.

Simply to clean up any mis-perception regarding Jml8473's post above, I contacted him through A'gon. As Follows;

Ridge Street Audio wrote:

"Hi Jm.

....I saw your post regarding us not answering your email. I have no record that I recognize of you contacting us. I suppose it could have been an oversight on our part and if that's the case, please forgive me. Your non-response from us was quite unintentional and I can assure you it had nothing to do you wanting to do a wire transfer. We are set up to except wire transfers and have conducted business in that manner a couple of times.

If you would like to discus this further, please don't hesitate. I work very hard to make sure no one gets neglected and my perception is we've done a good job with answering requests for info and so forth. You appear to be an exception and for that, again, I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me. You can email us at ridgestreetaudio@comcast.net. Hope to here from you if for nothing else but that you except my apology.

Sincerely and Best Regards,

Jml8473 Responded:

"Hi Robert,

Thanks for your kind email.
Now, I feel a little ashamed, I should've tried to send you an email once
I firmly believe it was unintentional now. Acutally, I have your midnight
spkr cables which was available locally. Although I was after poiema, I find
them excellent it replaced Kimber monocle xl and I have no regret.
Thanks agian for your email

All the best,

