Pure Note Cerulean

I am trying a pair of xlr interconnects and have found them to be terrific. Bested transparent ultras I was using.
Has anyone tried the speaker cables. How long does Pure Note generally have their new products on sale? Do I need to rush? Thanks

Showing 7 responses by hassel

Macjup and the others who have tried the Cerulean in the meantime, what have been your results, comparisons?
Sonic_genius, what, then, are your impressions/comparisons of/with the Cerulean?
rch10, sonic_genius, and others, and goners ask about your impressions/comparisons/experiences, they want a real answer instead of "Do a search, as there is much info on Pure Note". If there were, we would not ask. There are only two - inconclusive at that - reviews on the older Epsilon, there is none on the Cerulean (if anybody found one, please tell me). Phrases like " I bought my Cereleans when they first came out in Jan. '04. Over time they have allowed me to experience my system without concern that I have the right cables. Quite pleased" are worthless in a forum like this. Please give the details. Both the Pure Notes and the Ridge Street cables may in fact be as good as they say, but the closer I study these threads, the more careful I become. That is true for Ridge Street as well. I found it highly suspicious, to give one example, that in Ridge´s ad for his Poiema here on the gon the alleged listener who says "Better than everything else, including Pure Note", is an Audiogoner from Australia who has not been active on this forum, except from his Ridge Street advertisement.
Ridgestreetaudio, I wanted a simple answer to a simple question (how do sound cables like) - not a lecture on life and lemmings. "genius said it right when the jist of what he said is you need to go on your own adventure of discovery. The reward will show up in time if it hasn't already. If you play it safe by making a decision based on others experiences, you'll most likely end up with doubt and no firm convictions of your own. Or possibly worse, you'll play the lemming". Sounds all very poetic. If it was true, there would be no need for these forums. I am very well capable to make up my mind. However, as there are probably hundreds of cable producers in the US alone, every single one claiming, like you and Pure Note and Syn Res and God knows who else, that his cables are the only real ones, I want to hear from real listeners before going on a journey that for me, sitting in Moscow, not in the US, is not as easy to do. I think I am not the only one here who is fed up with people who tell you everything - but not the thing you asked them to. No disrepect for you or your cables meant. As I said: They may be good.
As I was thinking about Pure Note, Ridge Street and Argent, among others, I decided to give Pure Note Cerulean a try - simply because they sounded as good as the others, but a bit cheaper with theirn discount at this time. You have to start somewhere, so I mailed Tom Swenson of Pure Note for a quotation for S/Cs and I/Cs. I offered to pay by bank transfer, Swenson answered that he does not accept bank transfers, as it was a security risk. I asked how this could be, as I wanted to transfer the money plus shipping costs to his account in the US before he had to send out anything. He answered that these were the recommendations of the US Homeland Security Office, but that he would accept a bank draft cheque. I answered that, with all due respect, the fight against terrorism had its satirical aspects if a German customer cannot even get the coordinates of a US bank account these days, but that I would contact my bank about the cheque nonetheless. This I did, and accordingly wrote that I was willing to forward a cheque. I have not heard from Pure Note since, although I send several e-mails, the only reason I can imagine is hurt patriotism. It`s a sad thing and a sign of the times, that even a hobby like high end gets touched by this. I even tried to order through Pure Note´s website, but obviuously Swenson decided not to sell to somebody who would call a security element of the US Homeland Security Office satirical. Still, at leat an answer to my inquiries would have been appropriate, I think. So I will now buy Ridge Street Audio cables. Strange how even things audio can develop these days.
rch10, you asked "Why did you not pay by credit card?" International customers often do not do it because you may need to produce proof of payment to customs of even the postal system. With a bank transfer, I can get proof of the transfer from my bank within a few hours in writing. If a business does not give the coordinates of its bank account, I for one do not see what the account is good for in the first place. But this is not what I did not like about Pure Note´s reaction. I did not like not receiving an answer, even an answer they would not like to do business with me, after sending, and re-sending, half a dozen e-mails in ten days. In my view, this is bad manners, that´s why I posted about it.
turning to Robert of Ridge Street Audio is exactly what I did. I have been very pleased with his quick answers and the way he treats even a terrorist-suspect German customer. So we are just about to fix a deal
believe it or not: The transfer question was of second importance to me. As I already wrote, I was willing, and wrote Pure Note so, to pay by a) cheque b) credit card c) Paypal. The only thing I really got annoyed about was not receiving an answer from Pure Note in ten days time.