Pure Class A SS vs Tube Amp

I have high efficiency 100dB speakers klipsch KLF 30 with mods  
im trying to decide pure class A or Tube amp 
Any Pure class A recommendations will be appropriated especially the one sound good at low volume under 6K MRSP .

Showing 3 responses by mozartfan

SS as i hear the amps, are ~~Dinosaurs~~~ back in the 70's, yeah we loved our Marantz,,,but now with so many stunning tubes amps, its a  easy choice. 
now with your 100db, you could go in any direction, with 805;s, 845's, 812's, etc. . ,  superior match  is a  Single Ended 845/300B combo from Cayin @ $3K.... works as both intergrated and pure amp. 
Thats cayin for ya.
Prima Luna are great amps, made by  Spark ,,,I perfer Spark's own line Cayin,,,for a  better price and almost same  design, but i perfer Cayin's design.
which Prima  Luna do you have?

OK just cked the specs on your Prima Luna EVO300, 
has SIX!!!! 12AU7's in pre stage, wow, go with 6 E80CC's, wow, huge mod there, yes dump the EL34's and go with KT150's. 
also get rid of most of stock caps, install all M SGO caps. 
= Class AAA sound. Best out any Jadis intergrated. , or lets say, be a  nice shootout for sure...