Pure Class-A Amp under $2000 (USED)

Hello everyone,

There are so many brands out there that I couldn't catch up with, so I opened a thread about Class-A Amp for discussion. My budget is around $2000 for a Stereo Amplifier (No need for Pre), could you guys help me to suggest me some?

- DAC: Exogal Comet

- Pre/Amp: Yamaha Intergrated A-9 (My current, but want to update)

- Speaker: Sonus Faber Venere 2.0

- Cable: Acrolink (Power, Interconnect, Speaker)

=> I think the wattage range between 30-60WPC for Class-A is powerful and popular. The production date of amplifier should not too old, I think after 199x is nice.


Showing 5 responses by darkknight8586

@arcticdeth agree with you about the immediate purchase. Yet I need to create a whitelist of good amps first; then I can hunt them down on Gon 😁. For the Wattages, the greater the better, but I’m afraid the 100W of Pure Class A will cost huge price.

@shkong78  Let me check the Schitt, I almost forgot that they also make the Amp

@jeffseight  I heard about Threshold many years ago, but still not research them carefully.

@ozzy62 I think with 6ohm, the power would be 1.5x. But we need to confirm this with Schiit Team. 

@timski Yeah, I’m eyeing on some of the Nelson Pass amp such as First Watt F7 or Aleph 5. Nice suggestion bro

@bluorion Let me check the Sugden; which speakers are you using with the amp?

@arcticdeth tbh, I like the great watt amp, but for the Pure Class A, over 100wpc will cost huge amount. Unless I jump in the Class AB territory 


It seems that Sugden is quite favourable by many users, and they look very nice

@pwerahera how do you feel about the sound of Krell? I heard they have a very forceful bass.

Have any one try the Krell KSA50S, it's about $1500 in my country including the shipping.