Puccini+Uclock vs APL NWO 4.0 SE vs PD MPS-5

Surely some of you have compared these 3 CD-SACD players, the Puccini with the U-clock vs the others two, my questions is how they compares between them, mostly when are used to play CD.

SECOND:if you think that the PD or the APL are a better option-sound than the Puccini+Uclock , the second question can be: As I own the Puccini with the U-clock, and here Europe, is practically imposible to hear the PD and very difficult the APL, do you think that the option of to buy one Scarlatti DAC, and use the Puccini as transport, can be better than the APL or the PD. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by aplhifi

The long outdated (3-4 years old) NWO-2.5 featured 20 per channel AKM DACs and differential/balanced tube output stage with 6H30 tubes and Lundahl transformers (no negative feedback). Some measurements below.

Here is a graph with 1KHz at 0dB

Second harmonic at 0.003%, third at 0.001%, noise is at below -120dB or 0.0001% above 60Hz. You can see some 60Hz interference picked-up by the output transformers, but at -100dB or 0.001% it is something you cannot hear.

Another graph with 1KHz sine this time at -90.31db showing the resolution at this extremely low level.

All of the above measurements made with CD (44.1KHz/16bit).

Hope this helps!

Alex Peychev